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Manage role and access

Setting roles and access enables you to determine the functionalities that each user can perform based on their assigned role.

  • Role and access

    There is no limit for you to add admin into ArmourZero. Admin's account is created based on their role in the company and each of this role have their own access or view. It's important to understand the different between each role. Each admin within your account is assigned a specific role, and an admin can only have one role at a time.


    This guide is for both ShieldOne and ScoutTwo.


    Function of the role / Access

    Super Admin

    The highest level role in your account is “Super Admin,” and that is the person who signed up for this account for the first time.

    As the account owner, you have full authority over your ArmourZero account, granting you a complete control. It is important to note that only the Super Admin has the capability to invite new admin. 


    The "Admin" role is granted almost similar to the "Super Admin" role.

    The only difference is that the "Super Admin" role has the exclusive privilege to invite new administrators.


    The finance role is granted access to view and manage billing-related information within your account. This role specifically build for finance team to handle financial aspects, such as invoicing, payment processing, and other billing-related tasks. 

    Technical Support

    The technical support role is granted access to specific technical related matter such as the dashboard, services, device management and communication with Security Analysts.


    The "Technical Support" role access



    The "Finance" role access



    Related article 

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  • How to invite your admin team

    Before adding new admin to your console, it's vital to comprehend the distinctions between each role. Each user in your account is designated a specific role, and one admin can hold only one role at a time.


    You may refer Role and access for each admin's role and it functions. 


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  • How to suspend or reactivate you admin team's access

    In the event your admin team resigned or reassigned to other department and no longer need to access to ArmourZero platform, you can suspend their access anytime. When you suspend an account, the user will be unable to log in to their account.


    Suspend admin team login

    This guide is for both ShieldOne and ScoutTwo.


    1. Login as Super Admin account. Go to Account under Admin section.

    2. Search for the user that you would like to suspend. 

    3. Click on the three dots action icon 3 dots.jpg and select "Edit profile".

    4. Change status to "Suspend".



    Reactivate admin team login

    1. Login as Super Admin account. Go to Account under Admin section.

    2. Search for the user that you would like to suspend. 

    3. Click on the three dots action icon 3 dots.jpg and select "Edit profile".

    4. Change status to "Active".




    This action only can be performed by the super admin of the account.

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  • How to update your admin team's password

    As Super Admin, you can update or reset your admin team account's password.


    Update admin team's password

    This guide is for both ShieldOne and ScoutTwo.


    1. Login as Super Admin account. Go to Account under Admin section.

    2. Search for the user that you would like to reset theirs password. 

    3. Click on the three dots action icon 3 dots.jpg and select "Edit profile".

    4. Update the password, then click "Save".



    This action only can be performed by the super admin of the account.

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  • How to transfer Super Admin account to new Admin

    You as Super Admin, owner of your company's ArmourZero account is allow to transfer this ownership to a new Super Admin.


    Add admin team

    This guide is for both ShieldOne and ScoutTwo.


    1. Login as Super Admin account. Go to Account under Admin section.

    2. Go to the top right corner and click on the profile icon beside your username.

    3. Change your email to the new Super Admin's email.

    4. Verify if an email has been previously used, click on the "Check Email". If the email is already associated with an account, please reach out to your Success Manager for further assistance. If the email is valid and available, proceed next.



    Notes: Error if the email is already associated with an account.



    5. Click "Send OTP". The One-Time Password (OTP) will be sent to the current owner of the account, ensuring a secure verification process.


    6. Please check your email for further instructions. To complete the transfer of account ownership, you will need to add the One-Time Password (OTP) provided in the email. This step ensures the successful transfer of ownership for the account.


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  • Audit Log

    When having multiple admins in your account, there will inevitably be track activities in your account. Use these audit logs to see all activities in your account.


    Check audit log

    This guide is for both ShieldOne and ScoutTwo.


    1. Login as Super Admin account. Go to Audit Logs under Admin section.




    This feature only can be viewed by the super admin of the account.  

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