Device administration, keeping track on the movement of devices and end users and ensuring all users are protected all the time is no easy task! Let alone you need to access each of this information with different solution console! The more you deploy, the more complex and tedious to manage.
That's not the case when come to ArmourZero! You can now easily manage and track all your endpoints' usage, protected devices and users in single glance. Remember we eliminate silos, everything make easy and simplify for you.
You can access to our Device Management feature under MANAGE section. All devices (based on device's name) will automatically be shown on this device page upon successful installation. You do not need to manually add any devices!
You can use this feature for:
1. Inventory management.
2. Keep track of agent's status.
3. End user management.
4. Tracking of subscribed users.
5. Compliance check purposes.
6. Eliminate "ghost" devices (devices that not able to identify or unknown devices) and more.
This page displays a summary of subscription usage across devices, providing various available information.
Useful information
Installed: The agent was successfully installed and in protection mode.
Not installed: The agent was not successfully installed, no protection.
Server: Endpoint server type.
Endpoint: Endpoint laptop, PC, computer type.
End Users
On this page, 'End User' refers to individuals using company devices
Subscription usage and count
On this page, the highlighted in blue boxes show subscription usage and count. The first number indicate the usage of it while the second number represent the total subscribed users.
Notes: The red color highlight that the usage count was more than subscribed. You can find out more about overly subscription used.