When you install an agent on your device, they're automatically recognised and linked to your subscription. You can monitor all protecting devices on the Devices management page.
If the number of protecting devices exceeded your total subscribed users, you are subjected to additional user billing. The additional billing will be based on proration towards the same end date of your current subscription. Don't be surprise that our Security Analysts contact you to verify the users usage.
Step 1: Check the subscription usage
1. Go to Subscription under MANAGE section.
2. If the number of protecting devices exceeded your total subscribed users, the "Active Users" column will be highlighted in red.
Notes: The first number indicate the usage of it while the second number represent the total subscribed users.
Step 2: Check the protecting device list
1. Go to Devices under MANAGE section.
2. Check who and which device have installed the agent.
3. If you found any device or user that shouldn't have protection, you may off board (remove) this device accordingly.
Notes: You can off board as many devices as you want. If it's a valid usage, our Customer Success team will guide you on how to proceed with the add-on user subscription.