This guide details on how you could perform agent self-installation for Endpoint Protection with EDR and Threat Intelligence powered by Crowdstrike. Before you start installing, please check the supported Linux OS version.
Step 1: Download the Linux OS installer
Download from ArmourZero console
1. Go to Subscription under MANAGE section and select the subscription
2. Download the installer package and copy the unique license key.
Step 2: Installing Linux OS installer
1. Turn on the terminal by pressing the super key, go to the left-hand side application pane, and click the "Terminal" icon. Alternatively, you can search for Terminal in the search area and click the "Terminal" icon.
2. Login into Linux host as root before proceeding with the installation.
3. Go to the installer location, substitute <installer_package> with your installer’s file name, and run the command. Use these commands based on your kernel version.
sudo dpkg -i <installer_package>
RHEL, CentOS, Amazon Linux:
sudo yum install <installer_package>
sudo zypper install <installer_package>
4. Substitute <CID> with your CID to set CID on your sensor. Use this command.
sudo /opt/CrowdStrike/falconctl -s --cid=<CID>
Note: Reach out to ArmourZero for the CID key
5. Manually start your sensor
Hosts with SysVinit:
service falcon-sensor start
Hosts with Systemd:
systemctl start falcon-
Congratulation, Crowdstrike's agent is now successfully installed and you are protected with Endpoint Protection with EDR and Threat Intelligence powered by Crowdstrike. Kindly inform your IT department accordingly.