This article guide you to log into ArmourZero's ShieldOne. If you would want to login to ScoutTwo, you may refer to How to log into ArmourZero's ScoutTwo article.
Creating an account for the first time
As ArmourZero have 2 different products, ShieldOne and ScoutTwo, both have minor differences in terms of first time account creation.
Step 1: Request Demo
It is upmost important to understand your requirements when come to IT Security Operation as different product and service serves different parameter security protections and preventions. Thus you will go through with "Request Demo" in order for our consultant to guide and advise you better.
1. Click on the Request Demo button on our main page
2. Fill up all your particular, accept the Terms of Service & Privacy Policy and click on Request Demo. Our consultants will get in touch with you within 24 hours after your submission.
After our consultant briefed and walkthrough with you, you can now complete the ArmourZero account creation. You will receive a welcome email containing the link to initiate your account setup.
Step 2: Complete the account creation
1. Open your inbox and locate the email titled "Welcome to ArmourZero - Start here."
2. Click on the "Register Now" button within the email.
3. Your requested demo information will be conveniently pre-filled. Please take a moment to review and confirm the accuracy of these details.
4. Create your password.
5. For security measure, open your inbox again and look for an email titled of "ArmourZero | Verify your email address".
6. Click on the "Verify Now" button within the email.
Login in into your existing account
1. Go to ArmourZero console at
2. On the top right corner menu, click "Login".
3. Click "Sign in" to complete your log-in to your account.