This guide details on how you could perform agent self-installation for Endpoint Next-Gen Antivirus powered by WithSecure. Before you start installing, please check the supported Linux OS version.
WithSecure is formerly known as F-Secure
Step 1: Download the Linux OS installer
Download from ArmourZero console
1. Go to Subscription under MANAGE section and select the subscription
2. Download the installer package and copy the unique license key.
Step 2: Installing Linux OS installer
1. Turn on the terminal by pressing the super key, go to the left-hand side application pane, and click the "Terminal" icon. Alternatively, you can search for Terminal in the search area and click the "Terminal" icon.
2. Login into Linux host as root before proceeding with the installation.
There are 3 different packages depending on your system which are
- DEB Package - for Debian and Ubuntu systems
- RPM Package - for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Oracle Linux, Amazon Linux, and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server systems
WithSecure installer - automatically install and activates the account on suitable systems
3. Navigate to the installer location. To install the program, run the command depending on the package downloaded
DEB Package: dpkg -i f-secure-linuxsecurity.deb
RPM Package: rpm -Uvh f-secure-linuxsecurity.rpm
WithSecure installer: ./f-secure-linuxsecurity-installer --subscription-key SUBSCRIPTION-KEY
When using the WithSecure installer, a licence key can be used by renaming the file, for example:
This action will prevent running the installation package with additional command-line arguments.
Congratulation, WithSecure's agent is now successfully installed and you are protected with Endpoint Antivirus services. Kindly inform your IT department accordingly.
Contact your IT department should you have any further questions or need assistance.