The very first thing to do for end-user self-installation is to identify who in your company that are eligible for cybersecurity protection. To simplify this step, ArmourZero have created a company's end-user directory for you. This directory is just one-time setup and it's universal that can be used in any of the service subscribed. All we need are.
- User's full name (employee's name)
- User's email address (employee's email name)
If you have done this, you may skip this guide and go straight to How to assign protection to end-users.
Step 1: Adding users in the end-user directory
There are two methods to add users into your end-user directory;
- Add individual end-user (one by one).
- Add by bulk import.
Add individual end user
1. Go to End Users under MANAGE section and click "Add End User".
2. Enter the user's name and email.
3. Click "Add".
Add end-user by bulk import
1. Go to End Users under MANAGE section and click "Import List".
2. We have prepared a template file for you to fill up.
3. After you filled up the template file, you may browse, drop and import the file.
4. Click "Import" to complete the step.